The new song Love Each Other based on the lyrics of Daniel Decker have been recorded. The song will be performed by the famous singers representing different nationalities.
The new song Holy Water (with lyrics) written by Ian Gillan and Steve Morris have been recorded.
Line up:
Ara Gevorgyan - Underlying duduk into music & keys
Ian Gillan - Vocals
Tony Iommi - Guitar
Steve Morris - Guitar
Michael Lee Jackson - Guitar
Randy Clarke - Drums
Jesse O'Brien - Hammound organ
Arshak Sahakyan - Duduk solo
Mixed by Tony Iommi & Mike Exeter
Holy Water (with lyrics)
The "Adana" project is still in action.
"Adana2" CD will be released.
Sponsors are being searched for.
Weighting the importance of the action, dear compatriots
residing abroad, could you give us a helping hand in finding
singers of various nationalities who will consent to performing
the song "Adana": music:Ara Gevorgyan